
Sdcafiine wii u
Sdcafiine wii u

sdcafiine wii u

Copy the folder called OSM_v0.1 to your Smash mod folder. Download and open the latest Wii U version from the Releases page. If you want to launch vanilla Smash, launch Smash Selector and disable SaltySD.

sdcafiine wii u

*Note that the selected Smash modpacks will always play after Smash is launched from the HOME Menu whether you launch Smash Selector beforehand or not. The title screen should now show the OSM logo rather than the default logo, this means the mod loaded properly! Make sure that "Slot 1" is selected, and the description is "OSM - Release 0.1", then load Smash! Copy the contents of this folder to the "Slot_1" folder you created earlier. Unzip the archive, then navigate to a "smash" folder. Within this folder, make a folder called "Slot_1". On the root of the SD card, make a new folder called "saltysdMODS" if it doesn't already exist. Put your 3DS' SD card into your computer. Return to the HOME Menu, and open your gift - spoilers, it's Smash Selector! Navigate to the main FBI Menu, and select TitleDB. Confirm that FBI is on its latest update, 2.4.12 Reboot your 3DS by pressing start and open FBI. Turn on your 3DS while holding select to access the Luma configuration menu. If you are running Luma 7.1, AuReiNAND, or any other CFW, update boot9strap here. If you are running Luma 7.0.5 or below, update to boot9strap here.

sdcafiine wii u

(Note that this guide assumes you have followed these instructions and have Luma3DS and FBI installed). *Info on Luma installation from normal consoles can be found here. A Nintendo 3DS family console running Luma 8.0 or higher. OSM - Instructions The Open-Source Smash 4 Mod for 3DS and Wii U! Home Releases Changelog Devblog Contact Us Contribute on Github! OSM Installation Instructions 3DS Instructions Prerequisites:

Sdcafiine wii u